Kasvatustieteen katseenseuranta- ja prosessitutkimuksen teemaryhmä (FinETS)

Eye Tracking and Process Research in Education Special Interest Group (FinETS)

The Research Network on Eye Tracking and Process Research in Education (FinETS) group is a national network for researchers and students using process and online measures to investigate teaching, learning, and assessment. Our aim as a community is to promote research and teaching in the field, as well as advance the co-operation and networking opportunities of researchers. The goal of the SIG is to encourage researchers to share their expertise and enhance their learning about using eye tracking and process research at individual and social settings.

Our members’ research focuses on a broad range of topics related to teaching, learning, and assessment processes. We bring together researchers investigating these phenomena applying and developing for example eye tracking, physiological measurements, log data, situation specific questionnaires. We welcome researchers using various methodological approaches in both laboratory and real-life research settings.

All researchers interested in process measures are welcome to the SIG’s activities.

The SIG operates mainly in English.

You are welcome to join our special interest group! You can find information about our previous and upcoming events from https://finets-seminar.wixsite.com/finets

The SIG coordinators:

Eeva Haataja (UH, https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/eeva-haataja/publications/)

Saswati Chaudhuri (JYU, https://www.jyu.fi/fi/henkilot/saswati-chaudhuri)

Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen (JYU, https://ktl.jyu.fi/fi/henkilosto/poysa-tarhonen-johanna)

Jarkko Hautala (NMI, https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=1VUrkU8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works )

Visajaani Salonen (UH/HSSH, https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/reito-salonen)

Anna von Zansen (UH, https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/anna-katariina-zansen)

Lisa Hintermeier (JYU, https://converis.jyu.fi/converis/portal/detail/Person/32699029?auxfun=&lang=fi_FI)

Contact persons:

Saswati Chaudhuri saswati.s.chaudhuri@jyu.fi

Eeva Haataja eeva.haataja@helsinki.fi